Sunday, October 16, 2011

Working with Travel Suppliers

Throughout my training, I cover how important customer service skills are in our careers as professional Tour Directors, Travel Staff, Tour Guides and Cruise Hosts.  The skills are important when working with our groups and just as important when working with our suppliers including the airlines, hotels, tour operators, attractions and etc.  We’re all part of the hospitality industry and want the best for our groups and individuals.

I was recently approached by an important hotel manager asking for the name of my supervisor.  He wanted to report a tour director saying, “…no one can talk to me that way.”   During my career I occasionally hear comments about tour directors, travel staff and cruise hosts that seem to think to get their way they have to demand help and or that things go their way.  The hotel staff, drivers, airport staff, tour operators and locals all talk and will express their opinions, complimentary or not.  They will also share and report their opinions with the tour operators, incentive houses, DMC’s, receptive services and cruise lines, the employers of the tour directors, guides, travel staff and cruise hosts.

Years ago a tour member said their recent tour director was tough and said something like, “…she always went to bat for us.”   I knew of the tour director through her reputation for being tough with hotel and airport staff.  I also knew the staff said they didn’t want to work for or with her and would try to avoid her.   We were all appalled and embarrassed by her behavior.  I’m talking about international tours so her reputation was worldwide.

I’m not suggesting not to ‘go to bat’ for your group but I find the travel suppliers also want the best and they will help if they can.  If I don’t like their first solution I try to come up with another one.  If they still can’t help I continue to probe to find a solution.  I find pleasant persistence works a lot better than aggression.  Empathy also helps.  Why can’t they help?  What’s the problem?  I’m also grateful for their assistance since they’ll often go way beyond what they have to do.  I do know some help just out of frustration from my persistence. 

For example, the guest doesn’t like their room.  Is there another room available?  How about my room?  Why isn't another room available? Is there one on a different floor or wing of the hotel?  When will another room be available?  What is the cost of an upgrade?  Is there someone else that may be able to make a different decision and or approve a different room?  Can we do something special for the guest?  If nothing can be done I may try to upgrade and or give the best room in the next hotel. When I talk to the guest I will be able to explain the challenges and show there isn’t  an alternative at this time.

I’m not sure tour directors that get tough know they may be reported to the tour operators and or how it affects their reputation.  They may get their way the first few times but will only be causing problems if their aggression persists.  They may ‘win the battle and lose the war’ and or even the careers.  

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